Honorary Fellowship for Visiting Scholars

The Center for Research on Gender & Women at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications to its Honorary Fellows Program. Scholars from other academic institutions or independent scholars wishing to take advantage of the university’s research facilities and extensive gender and women’s studies library holdings may apply for a one-year unfunded position. The program is open to applications from all disciplines that propose research projects in gender and women’s studies. We welcome both U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based scholars.

Fellows will have access to research space, library privileges, and email. Scholars are expected to have their own funding to support their stay. They are encouraged to attend events sponsored by the Gender and Women’s Studies Department and the Center for Research for Gender and Women, and they are expected to give a lecture about their research.

Criteria for selection include: Ph.D., another terminal degree, or the equivalent in research experience; demonstrated research productivity; and a proposed project of relevance to gender and women’s studies. Applicants need not have a current academic affiliation.

Applications should include:

  • Description of the research project that also explains its significance (1,500 – 2,000 words)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Copies of one or two of the applicant’s most significant recent publications
  • The dates you would like to be an Honorary Fellow

Application deadline: Rolling Deadline

Applications should be submitted to: ruchdoll@wisc.edu

Contact: Please contact the Director of the Center for Research on Gender and Women (CRGW) with any questions: Dr. Christine Garlough, clgarlough@wisc.edu.